Wigs for sale or hire

Wig shop selection

We stock over 300 wigs to hire and over 150 to purchase.

Many of our hire wigs have been purchased from the USA which means we have sourced some great ones which are not readily available through Australian wholesalers. Each time one is returned to our store after hiring it is cleaned in disinfectant and fabric softener.

Prices: Hiring a wig costs between $15 – $22 plus $60 – $100 refundable bond.
Purchasing one costs between $19 – $60 approximately.

Search wig photos by categories

Afros | Black Wigs | Mullets| White or Grey Wigs | Blond Wigs | Dreadlocks & Pirate Wigs

More photos of our range are on their way, in the meantime please contact us if you are after something in particular.

Search wig photos by categories

Black | Mullets| White or Grey | Blond | Dreadlocks & Pirate

Search wig photos by categories

Afros | Black | White or Grey | Blond | Dreadlocks & Pirate

Black Wigs
Search wig photos by categories

Afros | Mullets| White or Grey | Blond  | Dreadlocks & Pirate