Winter Theme Costumes

Image is of a selection of Winter theme costume ideas

Attending a dress up party is fun, however dressing in a full bear suit in summer is extremely unpleasant. Likewise wearing a Hawaiian shirt and grass skirt in Winter is wrong for so many reasons.

Asking your guests to wear something that is uncomfortable is a sure fire way to get them to skip the dressing up or maybe even skip the festivities altogether. So what themes work for Wintertime costume parties?

Animals & creatures

Christmas in July



Game of Thrones

Lord of The Rings


Movies and Television

Star Wars


Vikings & Barbarians

Winter Wonderland

These are all themes that give you plenty of options to keep warm. Many of the costumes for these themes include capes, cloaks, heavier fabrics and characters with long sleeves to stop you from having a cold night out.

Our favourite Wintertime party drink is Mulled Wine. Nothing to do with costumes but we thought we would share the recipe anyway 🙂

4 litre cask of red wine (nothing too flash or cheap, just something almost drinkable)
1 orange studded with cloves and sliced into 8 segments
1 red apple sliced into 8 segments
2 cinnamon sticks
200-500 grams of Demerara sugar, start with 150 grams and add more to taste

Place all ingredients into a large saucepan, bring to a slow boil stirring until the sugar dissolves. Leave to simmer for at least an hour for the flavour to develop adjusting the sugar to taste as you go.

Keep warm and serve directly from the pot with a soup ladle.

Keep the lid on most of the time so you don’t loose to0 much through evaporation and top up the wine and the sugar as the night goes on (trust us no one will notice if the flavour changes slightly).