The Thirties and Forties was an era influenced by both Hollywood glamour and the austerity of the war years. If you are looking for 1930s-1940s costumes and fashion we stock a selection of suitable items including dresses, jackets, trousers, plus 4’s, fedora hats, cocktail hats, waistcoats, braces or suspenders, fur coats and stoles. Pieces can be mixed and matched for a variety of looks, more items to choose from available in store.
Prices: $45 – $70 hire plus $60 – $100 refundable bond depending on what you choose. Individual accessories or clothing pieces may be hired separately at a reduced cost. Please note the bond may be greater, particularly if you are adding a fur coat. Generally the hire period covered by these prices is over the weekend or 2-3 days during the week.