If you are finding that 1930s – 1940s costume and fashion one of the harder themes to find outfits for we can definitely help. Hollywood glamour and the austerity of the war years both had an influence on the fashions of this era. We stock a selection of suitable items including dresses, jackets, trousers, plus 4’s, fedora hats, cocktail hats, waistcoats, braces or suspenders, fur coats and stoles. Mix and match pieces for a variety of looks, with more items to choose from in store.
Prices: $45 – $70 hire plus $60 – $100 refundable bond depending on what you choose. Individual accessories or clothing pieces may be hired separately at a reduced cost. Please note the bond may be greater, particularly if you are adding a fur coat. Generally the hire period covered by these prices is over the weekend or 2-3 days during the week.